CRFUMC Worship Experiences for 2.12.23
Liturgical Week: 6th Sunday After Epiphany
Liturgical Color: Green
Thank you for joining us in worship today.
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9 a.m. Modern Worship
Welcome and Greeting
Thank you for joining us today in worship. If you are new to us, please fill out a Thank You for Joining Us! Card. If you have a prayer request you can fill out the prayer request card and turn them in when the plates are passed during the offering. These cards can be found in the pews.
You can let us know you are joining us in worship by going to this site on your smartphone: or by scanning the QR code on the front of the bulletin. You can also register in person at the back of the Sanctuary.
During the offering time you can give online with the QR code or with the link You can also drop an offering in the offering plates as they come by.
To help stay connected to the Church you can find all of our social media presence here:
Are you interested in becoming a part of the Castle Rock FUMC family? Please speak to Pastors to find out when you would like to join our Church Family
About the 9 a.m. Modern Service
The modern service is a worship experience that mixes a lot of elements of worship together to provide a meaningful experience. The order of the service varies and shifts as needed to provide a great experience.
Sermon Title: Water the Right Way
Given by Rev. Matt Franks Senior Pastor CRFUMC
Primary Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Service of Holy Communion
Closing Music
10:45 Traditional Worship at Castle Rock FUMC
+= stand if you are able
Welcome & Greeting
Thank you for joining us today in worship. If you are new to us, please fill out a Thank You for Joining Us! Card. If you have a prayer request you can fill out the prayer request card and turn them in when the plates are passed during the offering. These cards can be found in the pews.
You can let us know you are joining us in worship by going to this site on your smartphone: or by scanning the QR code on the front of the bulletin. You can also register in person at the back of the Sanctuary.
During the offering time you can give online with the QR code or with the link You can also drop an offering in the offering plates as they come by.
To help stay connected to the Church you can find all of our social media presence here:
Are you interested in becoming a part of the Castle Rock FUMC family? Please speak to Pastors to find out when you would like to join our Church Family
+Hymn UMH 400
Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
Call To Worship Rev. Sarah Steidtmann
One: Come to the water, all you who thirst; come drink deeply from the river of life.
All: We shall come to the water, all of us who are weary, and rest in the quiet pools of God’s love.
One: Come to the water, all you who long for a justice; come be renewed in God’s ever-flowing stream.
All: God is here among us, washing away the dust and grime of our lives,
One May God pour out the Holy Spirit on all you who thirst.
All: Let’s worship God together and build a community of love.
A Modern Affirmation UMH 885
+Hymn UMH 467 Trust and Obey
We Pray Together
Congregational Prayer Rev. Sarah Steidtmann
All: Loving God, You call us to walk in Your ways, observe Your commandments and love You as You have loved us. You offer us a community of abundant blessing with rich soil to promote dynamic growth. When we flee from Your embrace, draw us into community with You and with one another. Shower us with the cleansing waters of humility, that we may reclaim our purpose and find nourishment and growth in labors of love. Guide us so that we see Your kingdom in our midst.
The Pastoral Prayer Rev. Sarah Steidtmann
The Lord’s Prayer found in the UMH No. 895
+Hymn UMH 643 When Love Is Found
Opportunities for Connection and Service
To help stay connected to the Church you can find all of our social media presence here:
Sharing of Our Tithes and Offerings
You can give online with the QR code or with the link
You can also drop an offering in the offering plates as they come by.
The Doxology UMH No. 94
Chancel Choir Anthem The Sower
We Hear The Word Proclaimed
Scripture Reading 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Scripture Reading Response
Liturgist: The Scriptures of Faith for the people of faith.
All Thanks be to God, Amen.
Sermon Title: Water The Right Way
Given by Rev. Matt Franks
Senior Pastor CRFUMC
Closing Hymn: TFWS 2176 Make Me A Servant
Benediction Pastor Matt Franks
Are you interested in becoming a part of the Castle Rock FUMC family?
Please speak to Pastors to find out when you would like to join our Church Family.