The Committee on Missions is to provide missional opportunities to the congregation so that we can fulfill the Church’s mission of being the light and love of God in our community and beyond.
Missional Focuses
Missional Focuses help guide the work of the committee through the coordination of calendars, resources, and information about missional opportunities and sharing the work of missions in and around the Church. These focuses are as follows:
Disaster Response
Equipping those in the congregation called to serve in times of disaster when the need arises, as well as finding ways to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief https://umcmission.org/umcor/

These are events and projects that help connect the Church with the community around us.
Angel Tree
Food Pantry Food Collections
Prison Backpacks
Knott Again
And More...

Go, Learn, Serve
These are the traditional mission trips that Churches take to go somewhere, learn about the culture and community we are partnering with, and help the organization we are serving within our gifts and graces.

Missionary Support
Discerning ways we can support the Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church: https://umcmission.org/

Missions We Support
Click on the image to find out more.
Get in Touch
If you are intrested in partnering with us or wanting to help serve in Mission please fill out the form and we will be in touch with you.